In the gospel of John, one of Jesus’s disciples asked Him, “How can we know the way?” Jesus answered, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” We also ask ourselves the same question, “How can we know the way?” But often, how we answer that question determines who/what we put our trust in. Jesus is our perfect Messiah, fully God and fully Man, and He calls on us to put our trust in him and to allow Him to guide our lives.
As Jesus answered His disciple, He claims that He is “the way, the truth, and the life.” “Way” is the path we choose to follow. Similar to how we follow the curves of a road or the trail in a mountain, Christians follow the path Jesus has left us to follow. He is the “Way.” “Truth” is our foundation for knowledge, discernment, and wisdom. By knowing Jesus, we learn truthful knowledge about God and ourselves. The Christian develops discernment in making difficult decisions and times of conviction. We grow in our Christian conscience. “Life” is our invitation to experience the impact Jesus can have in our lives. By believing and following Jesus, we participate in the real present-day life change that occurs in our hearts. Our desires can change, our perspectives and character can become influenced by the life of Jesus. This life ultimately brings us closer to the gift of eternal life that is promised by Jesus, made possible by Him alone.
What this means for us, is that through the person and works of Jesus, we are invited to join into a Christ-centered community. In Christian community, we practice our faith in Jesus to one another. Jesus remains center, and He is the purpose we have individually, in our family and our community.
Scripture References:
John 14:6, John 3:16, Ephesians 2:1-10, 1st Peter 3:3-4
Book Recommendation:
The God Who is There, D.A. Carson